Handpan Care Made Easy: Discover Simple Tips on How to Clean Your Handpan

In this guide to handpan care and maintenance, we will answer your top questions about cleaning and caring for your handpan. We’ll talk about:

  1. Handpan Maintenance by Type of Handpan

  2. Handpan Care products

  3. How to clean and oil your handpan

  4. How temperature & humidity affect your handpan

  5. What you need to know about rust 

Oiling makes handpan care Easy

The easiest way to make sure your handpan stays in nice condition for many years is to keep the outside surface clean and oiled. A clean and oiled handpan is protected from the formation of surface rusts, and retains a beautiful color and feel. Nearly all types of handpans can benefit from this advice, so read on to learn more.

How often you need to clean and oil your handpan will depend on a few factors, such as:

  • The type of handpan you have

  • What handpan care products are used

  • Where you live 

  • How often you play  

Some care products may be less effective than others as a protective barrier or need more or less frequent application.  While there are a variety of handpan care products in the marketplace, these general guidelines will suffice for nearly all of them.



Handpans are made in different ways with different materials. It’s important to know what type of handpan you have, so you know how to care for it. Here are the most common 4 types of handpans:

1. Nitrided Handpan Maintenance

Nitrided handpans are already rust resistant, but adding a light coating of oil to the outside is recommended.

2. Stainless Steel Handpan Maintenance

Stainless steel handpans are already rust resistant, but adding a light coating of oil to the outside is recommended.

3. Powder Coated or Lacquered Handpan Maintenance

These handpans are typically made out of a carbon steel, and that material is not naturally rust resistant. A coating is applied to one or both sides that cures & dries hard, creating a solid protective barrier. Although these handpans may have the appearance of being more maintenance free, this is only true if they are coated on both sides. 

You will need to make sure the uncoated side stays oiled, and that is far more difficult than oiling the outside. Since the uncoated side has no inherent rust resistance, it can be more at risk than a nitrided or stainless steel instrument.

Do I need to oil a powder coated handpan? The coated side of a handpan doesn’t need oil for rust resistance. So you will need to understand how it was made. Coatings can affect the sound quality of instruments because it is a layer that adds weight. The layer can be more fragile during repairs than non-coated instruments. Make sure it’s worth it to you to select this as an option because quality may vary.

4. Raw Steel Handpan Maintenance

Raw steel handpans must be oiled at all times, and it’s best to keep the inside and outside oiled.

These handpans are really not very common these days, but they do exist and are made by a few handpan builders. Raw steel handpans are untreated carbon steel that must be kept sufficiently oiled at all times to prevent rusting. More frequent oilings as required maintenance is typical and lapse in maintenance may allow quick rust formation on either side. 

Of all of the types of handpans, oiling is easiest for both nitrided & stainless steel instruments.

Raw steelpans rusting outside in this sculpture park. Although a neat sculpture, you probably want to keep your musical instruments out of this park!


Handpan makers and players use and recommend a variety of coatings/oils/waxes to the surface of the instruments for rust prevention. Some common products used by small handpan makers are:

  • Isthmus handpan oil

  • Phoenix oil

  • Froglube

  • Ballistol 

  • Meinl handpan care wax

  • Pure sound wax 

Newer handpan factories have been known to use volatile smelling rust inhibitors that are harsh on the skin. We don’t recommend using or keeping these products on your handpan. 

Some oils or waxes can be hard to apply, or they can be very smelly and leave a sticky mess. While a variety of products can do the job, there are better products than others for handpan owners looking to keep maintenance simple.


What oil should I put on my handpan?

We use Isthmus Handpan Oil and we highly recommend it above anything else for ease of use & affordability. It is all-natural, non-toxic, made in the USA, and is safe for hands & lungs, and it doesn’t impact the sound of your handpan or leave a sticky residue. 


How often should I use handpan Oil?

This depends on where you live & how often you play. If you play or travel often, oil more often. Your Isthmus handpan is already nitrided which protects the metal from rust, and with a light layer of handpan oil providing an extra layer of protection, there is no need to overdo it with maintenance and care.

  • Northern climates: In your live in a non-humid environment, oil once every 6-12 months for adequate protection. 

  • Southern & humid climates: If you live in a more humid or salty environment, oil every 1-6 months

  • Frequent player: You cannot over apply most oils! So, Choosing to wipe your handpan down after playing with a clean microfiber cloth is also a great strategy. Add oil when you notice any color difference to be getting lighter, and keep your handpan looking shiny and new.  Most people find all handpan maintenance to be pleasant anyway, helping you connect and care for your instrument in a positive way. 

I have used another oil/wax on my handpan, or it came with another oil on it. Can I switch to Isthmus Handpan Oil?

Yes, you can switch oils. If you purchased your handpan from:

  • A small handpan maker: It’s always good to ask for their recommendations. 

  • A factory: You can clean away the original oil using a cleaning method and then apply Isthmus Handpan Oil. 

Our product has been rigorously tested in harsh environments, and we are confident it is the best oil for Isthmus handpans and most handpans. Our oil is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, affordable and easy to use. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.


To highlight the ins and outs of what it takes to properly clean and oil handpans, here are some helpful FAQs about this aspect of handpan care and maintenance.

When should I clean my handpan?

We recommend periodic cleaning if your handpan has been exposed to any surface contaminants. Common surface contaminants are:

  • Water

  • Acids, sweat, salts

  • Food products 

Otherwise, periodic oiling is all the handpan maintenance you need. Say you took your handpan to the beach, a party, or a humid outdoor environment. It’s a great time to consider cleaning when you get back home. 

To clean a handpan:

  1. Remove oil & surface contaminants from a handpan by using Isopropyl alcohol and a clean paper towel or soft cloth. 

  2. Wet the cloth/instrument with isopropyl.

  3. Wipe your handpan with the wet cloth until the oil has been removed. Usually, you will know when the oil has been removed because the color will change and appear lighter. 

  4. Re-oil the instrument after cleaning both sides. When you re-oil the instrument, the color will deepen again, appearing darker.

How Do You Oil a Handpan?

  1. Apply hanpan oil liberally to the outside of your instrument and spread it over the surface with a close-knit oil cloth. 

  2. Remove excess oil with a soft microfiber cloth, keeping a light layer on the surface of the drum. 

It’s not possible to over apply oil.

Do I need to oil the inside of my handpan?

No, we don’t recommend oiling the inside of your handpan if it’s nitrided or stainless steel. Oiling the outside of your handpan should be all that is necessary. Remember, the nitrided layer will protect your handpan from rust already, so the inside of your pan will stay rust free.

Should I take the band off of my instrument when applying oil to it?

No, in fact not all bands on handpans are removable. So we don't recommend trying to remove the band for regular maintenance unless directed by your handpan maker. It’s typically sufficient to just pay attention to the area, and clean close to the edge of the band.

How often should I clean my handpan drum?

It is not necessary to do surface cleaning unless you have a reason to do a deep surface clean. For day to day use, you may prefer to wipe your instrument down with a microfiber cloth. Just remember to keep some oil on the surface of the instrument as that is the additional protective barrier to rust. Wiping after playing can help remove any unwanted contaminants that may have transferred to the surface of the drum from your skin.

How TEMPERATURE & humidity affect your handpan

Here are some FAQs that share insightful answers about how to potentially adjust your handpan care and maintenance routines in light of temperature and humidity factors.

a handpan outside in ice is an extreme temperature and should be avoided
handpan at the beach

How does temperature affect my handpan?

Heat and cold can temporarily affect your handpans tuning as the metal expands or contracts. Usually this is nothing to worry about if your handpan was well constructed. If your handpan wasn’t made well, extreme heat conditions may have lasting effects on your instrument. Therefore, for all handpans we suggest the following guidelines:

  • Heat: A good rule of thumb is that if your handpan is too hot to touch, it is too hot to play. If you leave your handpan in a hot car or in the direct sunlight, move it to a cooler place and allow the metal to cool before playing it. The tuning will be temporarily affected but should return to normal when the handpan returns to the ambient temperature of it’s original tuning.

  • Cold: Cold temperatures do not have the same effect or threat on your instrument, although you may just notice a slight difference in the timbre of the handpan. Usually a “thinning” of the sound experience, which will change once the handpan is brought back to normal housing temperatures of 65-75F. 

How does humidity affect my handpan?

Although not common, humidity might change the sound experience you have with your handpan. Return your handpan to your normal playing environment and see that the sound is the same.

The main concern with humidity and handpans is an increased propensity for rust to form in enclosed spaces. Therefore always keep your handpan freshly oiled and out of enclosed spaces (closed cases included!) in extremely humid environments.

Even 24 hours in an extreme environment is enough for surface rust to form. So be sure to use oil as the protection it is meant to be and you won’t have any rust related handpan maintenance issues.  

Rust and Handpans: What you need to know

If for some reason you do end up with rust on your handpan — or maybe you bought a used one that came rusty — don’t panic! Most rust isn’t severe enough to damage the integrity of your instrument. Surface rust can always be treated or mitigated, and if caught early enough, removed.

When can rust occur on handpans?

If your handpan has been exposed to surface contaminants (salts,water,acids) in the absence of a protective oil layer for an extended period of time, rust can result. Therefore, keeping a light layer of oil on your handpan is the #1 preventable thing you can do to ensure your handpan stays in top condition. 

Although rust can be treated, if you want your instrument to stay in the best aesthetic condition, you must avoid rust at all costs, because removing it can affect the color if you need to treat the area more deeply.

How do you remove rust from a handpan?

The first step to treating or removing rust is to always remove the surface contaminants, including any growing rust on the surface with these steps.

  1. Clean your entire handpan thoroughly by removing oil & surface contaminants like we described in “How to clean your handpan” section (above).

  2. Direct your attention to the rust spot and see if you can knock off any rust particles, gently with your fingernail on the surface with a soft cloth, and isopropyl alcohol and to lightly scrape off anything on the surface.

  3. Re-oil and keep your handpan oiled. Our oil will stop rust dead in it’s tracks and it won’t continue to grow as long as you maintain the clean and oiled surface. 

If you have extreme surface rust that cannot be removed by light rubbing, then we recommend taking your handpan to a handpan maker that has experience in handpan restoration.

What Products Can I Use to Remove Handpan Rust?

Rust may be removed with certain abrasive products. However, using abrasives on your handpan is not something we typically recommend. Because in most cases you also risk changing the color and look of your instrument. We only recommend this restoration in the most extreme of cases, as most surface rust can be halted with oil, and small surface rust doesn’t pose much of a threat to your playing experience or instrument overall.

For instance, if your handpan is: 

  • Purple: Using harsh abrasives can remove the color and take it to a metallic gray. 

  • Gray & black: The color may become more silver when the rust has been removed.  

If you are dead set on removing rust spots/areas:

  • Consider if you are well equipped to risk changing the aesthetics of your instrument or if you should reach out to your handpan maker. 

  • Start only with light polishing abrasives or pressure and work in areas slowly, removing rust contaminants with alcohol & clean cloths as you go. Careful attention can result in spot removal of areas, but usually it’s very hard to be so precise. 

For another look at this topic, check out Master the Handpan: Your In Depth step-by-step guide cleaning, protection and rust removal.

The main take aways when it comes to rust & handpans is:

  1. Prevention first

  2. Mitigation second

  3. Restoration only in the most extreme cases.

How do I store my handpan?

For long term storage or in times of not playing, we recommend storing your well oiled handpan in a way that facilitates air flow. So keep it out of any enclosed or humid area, including its case. 

Leaving your handpan out on a stand is a great way to keep it safe, and remind you to play more often! We hope this blog has been helpful & informative! 

Don’t see the answer to your question? Reach out to our experienced handpan team who will be happy to answer your questions and help with your maintenance questions.

Quick Maintenance Tips & Handpan Care

Caring for your Isthmus Handpan is simple! And we’ve made it even easier by putting together the following tips and reminders for handpan maintenance: 

  • Remember, your instrument is already rust resistant because the surface has been heated and nitrided.

  • Protect the surface even further by reapplying Isthmus Handpan Oil.

  • Isthmus Handpan Oil is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, with no harsh smells or chemicals.

  • Apply handpan oil whenever necessary. Once a month is an easy place to start.  Adjust to your personal preference and environmental conditions. Apply oil more frequently in humid or salty environments.

  • Keep your handpan cool and dry.

  • Avoid playing your handpan in direct sunlight or when it is very hot. Avoid heavy-handed strikes with mallets or hands.

  • If possible, store your instrument outside of its protective case. Alternatively, you may unzip the case to allow airflow and decrease humidity.

  • That’s it for handpan care and maintenance — but don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. Your handpans surface and sound will stay in top condition for years to come when you follow these tips. And we’re always to help with your handpan maintenance and care needs!